
Spanish cafés and bars against ‘gadgets’

Expat news
Cafés and bars in major Spanish cities are facing financial losses. There isn't a shortage of customers, on the contrary, the number of clients has been growing, especially among those aged 20 to 45. The problem lies in the fact that many of them work remotely, preferring to spend their working hours in cafés and bars. More and more visitors order coffee and stay in the establishment for several hours. They occupy tables in cafés and restaurants for a significant portion of the working day, leading to substantial financial losses for the owners.

In Spain, there continues to be a rapid increase in the number of digital nomads who enjoy working in cafés. The issue is becoming serious, often resulting in conflicts between visitors and establishment owners. Café and bar owners in major Spanish cities are preparing a collective complaint. They will demand from the authorities to establish a maximum permissible time for visitors to stay in the establishment after placing an order at a legislative level.

Complaints also arise from local visitors. In Spain, bars are not only places for alcohol consumption but also centers of social activity. People gather there to discuss the latest news, sports events, or simply spend time with friends. Bars play an important role in the social life of Spaniards, and regular patrons of local bars are at least disappointed by laptop users who occupy seats in the bar for half a day without interacting with anyone.

Spain is one of the countries with the highest number of bars per person. On average, there is one bar for every 132 residents.