
Recommendations for the Sant Joan celebrations: fireworks and bonfires

Expat news
Sant Joan is a traditional festival celebrated in Catalonia on the night of June 23rd, coinciding with the summer solstice. It is a lively and vibrant celebration marked by bonfires, fireworks, music, and dancing, where people gather on the beaches and in town squares to enjoy the festive atmosphere.

Public responsibility is essential for avoiding incidents relating to fire and fireworks during the celebrations on the eve of Sant Joan and the days before. Follow these recommendations to ensure fire safety and the correct use of fireworks:
  1. Never keep any fireworks in your pockets. They can catch fire and explode.
  2. If the firework fails to light, do not touch it for 30 minutes. You’ll have to disable it by leaving it in water overnight.
  3. Try to light the touchpaper from one end, to give yourself time to move out of the way.
  4. Never launch any rockets, balloons or other items containing fire within 500 meters of a woody area. You could cause a forest fire.
  5. Never put your face or any part of your body over or in front of any lit firework. If you do, you may suffer serious burns or eye or other injuries.
  6. Close nearby doors and windows when there are fireworks on the street. That way, you will protect your home from any risk of catching fire.
  7. Roman candles that do not come with a special handle have to be set in a hole or tube with soil or sand to prevent burns.
  8. Do not put bangers inside bricks or bottles. They may cause shrapnel uncontrollably when they explode.
  9. Do not put out a string of fireworks before they have finished exploding. Elements exploding separately from their string can cause serious injuries.
  10. Never fire a rocket manually or from a broken stick, or from a place at risk of catching fire (on a mountain where there are dry shrubs etc.) Do not fire any rocket with a broken stick because it will go in an unexpected direction and may misfire. They have to be fired from a pole, conveniently prepared with eye bolts. This will protect you from harming yourself or causing a fire.
  11. Fix Catherine wheels properly. That way, you will prevent any uncontrolled burning.
  12. Fireworks will be brighter and more spectacular if you fire them with your back to the wind, and you will also avoid any risk of burns from sparks.
  13. Never throw or launch a firework at anyone or at animals. You can cause them serious injury.
  14. Make sure there are no inflammable liquids nearby. They catch fire easily and their vapor can explode.
  15. For your own and your family’s safety, you must buy fireworks from establishments that are authorized to sell them.
  16. Take in any clothes hung out to dry on rooftops and terraces, as sparks from rockets may set fire to them.
  17. Do not light a bonfire on any site which has not been approved beforehand by the district office.
  18. Do not use any substance to accelerate fires, as the resulting flames may set light to the hair or clothing of people close to the fire.
  19. Do not throw aerosols, tins, or containers into bonfires, as they may explode. Tires and plastics should not be placed on fires either.
  20. If you have animals at home, do not leave them alone for the celebrations, as the noise may cause them suffering and distress. Close windows and doors to keep the noise down and prepare a place for them to take shelter.
In the days leading up to Sant Joan, the Barcelona Fire Service carries out monitoring and inspection tasks at shops and temporary fireworks stalls to ensure they meet the corresponding safety conditions. The Fire Service has inspected 139 stalls so far, granting authorization to 122 of them for the moment.

As from this year, it is also prohibited for fireworks sales points to be set up within 500 meters of woodlands. Another task carried out by the city’s firefighters ahead of the occasion is to establish the minimum conditions for bonfires in the streets.
  • Large bonfire: no limits on volume
  • Small bonfire: with a volume of no more than 250 kg of wood
  • Bonfire in a burner: with a volume of no more than 25 kg of wood
Large bonfires are the only one of these three types for which a report by the Barcelona Fire Service is needed.

Happy and safe celebration!!!