
5 new Spanish words to learn in 2023

Expat news
The Dictionary of the Spanish language undergoes an annual update with new additions and changes. It is highly recommended to take a look at the novelties if you desire to sound cool and updated in the Spanish language.

The 2023 version of the Spanish Dictionary Online boasts more than 3,000 fresh words, tweaks, and additions, mainly focusing on cutting-edge innovations from the world of tech and relevant ages and gender issues. A few surprises pop up as well.

The top 5 new Spanish words are:

This word is popular in these days of pandemics, political crises, and Russia's brutal attack on Ukraine. It means a tendency to interpret events by some conspiracy or a movement known for its ‘conspiranoid’ theories.

A new word that means that a child is too attached to his/her mother. Curiously, the absence of the corresponding 'papitis' in the Dictionary is explained by a lack of documented evidence for it.

Now part of everyday language, this new addition means ageism, the idea of treating people differently because they are older.

This is easy to understand, and refers to the kind of machismo that manifests itself through small actions or expressions, usually unconsciously.

The Dictionary has incorporated an intriguing addition that combines Portuguese and Spanish (portugués + español). The compilers of the dictionary compare it to the widely used term 'Spanglish.'