
‘The human image. Art, identities and symbolism’

Date: July 14 - October 22
Location: CaixaForum Barcelona

A show with pieces from different times, geographical areas, techniques, and materials. From a modeled skull from 11,000 years ago to contemporary audiovisual works.

The exhibition offers an exciting journey through one of the great themes – perhaps the most recurring – in figurative art: the human being. The iconic works of ancient civilizations from the British Museum are combined with a selection of works of contemporary art from the “la Caixa” Foundation Collection and with some important loans from other institutions such as the Museo del Prado. Pieces from entirely different eras, themes, and cultures are juxtaposed in the same space.

In all corners of the world, people have constantly created representations of themselves. Many of these depictions contain complex symbolism. Others refer us to the beauty and mystery of the human body, through different ways, from the deepest stylization to hyperrealism.
